Be active, be respectful during political season

Posted On: Tuesday, 01 October 2024

Months before Election Day, political ads fill commercial time as you’re watching your favorite program or listening to the radio on your commute. Election signs are everywhere in your neighborhood. Trying to escape it, you look at your social media feed to see pictures of families and friends — and then you spot it... 
A dear friend and fellow American Legion Auxiliary member has posted negative content about a candidate you support. You had no idea this friend felt so strongly, and now you’re afraid this could cause tension. You decide to continue scrolling and you see another political post — your ALA unit is endorsing a candidate — and you wonder why because The American Legion Family is nonpartisan, and political endorsements aren’t allowed. This leaves you frustrated, and you feel discouraged to be politically active. 
Can you relate? As election season heats up, promote voting in your community while remaining respectful of all opinions.
The American Legion Family is nonpartisan
Everyone is entitled to their political opinions, and The American Legion Family respects everyone’s right to have their voice heard. But be careful not to mix your personal opinions with your affiliation in these organizations. 
The American Legion Family does not support, oppose, or provide aid to any candidate or political party. Here are tips to stay nonpartisan: 
• Don’t endorse candidates as the American Legion Auxiliary, The American Legion, Sons of The American Legion, or American Legion Riders.
• Think before you post about politics on social media. If you are posting on an American Legion Auxiliary-related account, political posts are not allowed. We advise you to use caution on your personal account. 
• If attending a political event, don’t wear American Legion Family branded items that connects you to our organizations.
• If backing a particular candidate or party, do not use any American Legion Family organizations in connection to your endorsement. 
• If hosting a Meet the Candidate night, invite all candidates of all parties.  
Encourage voting participation
Even though The American Legion Family is nonpartisan, everyone is encouraged to be politically active. Voting is a civic responsibility. It’s important for everyone to feel empowered to make their voice heard through their ballot. Here are tips on how to be involved:
• Get Out the Vote. Encourage your community to engage in the political process and vote in every election. 
• Volunteer at a polling place. Some workplaces will let employees have time off to volunteer at a poll, so check with your employer.
• Provide transportation. Don’t let a lack of wheels prevent someone from their constitutional right. Organize volunteers to help get voters to the polls.
Get to know IRS rules
The American Legion Auxiliary is a 501(c)(19) nonprofit veterans organization and must follow these rules as outlined by the Internal Revenue Service:
• Don’t endorse or oppose a candidate for public office.
• Don’t coordinate activities with a candidate.
• Don’t make contributions to a candidate.
• Don’t manage, fund, or organize a Political Action Committee.
Make your voice heard
We hope all American Legion Family members exercise their constitutional right and encourage others to do the same. Just remember to be respectful of others’ opinions.

ALA Mission

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.