Fall in love with Fundraising

Posted On: Sunday, 25 August 2019

As summer winds down and kids go back to school, it may be harder to organize or host fundraising events. Try one of these three easy, fall-themed fundraisers to make your American Legion Auxiliary unit a few extra dollars this season.

  1. Winner’s Pledge

With football season just around the corner, now is the perfect time to use the excitement for good.

At your next event, (or just by phone, email, and social media) ask supporters to “sign up” to donate every time their favorite team wins. Keep a list and remind them each week to contribute if their team is victorious. Get creative with your updates. For example, make it competitive by telling one member if their team beats a fellow member’s team that week.

Then, when the Superbowl comes around, be sure to have a big viewing party and celebrate the season together. Better yet, take some of your money raised and host a Superbowl party at a local veterans center. You could also give a prize to the person whose team did the best (who donated the most). Be sure to thank all who participate, and root on their favorite teams!

  1. Rake-a-Thon

When the leaves start falling in your town, start asking neighbors, friends, and family if they would give a donation in exchange for volunteers raking their yard.

This fundraiser really relies on your ability to get the word out. Use social media, emails, and post fliers around town. Be sure your marketing materials are clear that their donations will go to your American Legion Auxiliary unit, and to a certain project (if applicable). You can have participants choose from a few selected days or knock them all out in one day.

Then get as many members together as you can — bring rakes, trash bags, wear ALA gear, and get raking. Be sure to thank participants. Since you have their address, try sending them a handwritten thank you letter. Make sure they know they made a difference.

  1. Tailgate Fundraiser

If there’s one place you know people will be during the fall, it’s at a football game. That’s why a tailgate is the perfect place for your next unit fundraiser.

With permission of the venue, set up a tailgate in the parking lot, and invite everyone you can. Be sure to grill some hamburgers or hotdogs and have drinks to sell in exchange for donations to your unit.

Set up cornhole, have music, and make sure to brand yourself. Have fun celebrating your team while also raising funds for a unit project. Be sure to invite all attendees to join in on the fun!

Make sure people know where their money is going. Set out ALA fliers or brochures so people can learn more and be a part of the mission.

Has your unit done any of these fundraisers? Share your successful fall fundraiser stories with us at alamagazine@ALAforVeterans.org or on social media at @ ALAforVeterans.

ALA Mission

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.