Heart of the Mission: Courtney McManus

Posted On: Wednesday, 12 March 2025

American Legion Family members nationwide honor the service and sacrifices of veterans by serving in Honor Guards. Those who volunteer to be part of an Honor Guard are fulfilling an important role. Imagine if you went to a military funeral and there wasn’t a rifle salute, you didn’t hear Taps, and there was no one to fold the flag and present it to the family. Imagine being at a parade and no one is marching with the American flag. You may not think of them every day, but Honor Guards are deeply important when it comes to honoring the men and women who served this country.

One of those volunteers is Georgia ALA Unit 42 member Courtney McManus: the first female member of Post 42’s Honor Guard in spring 2024. 

McManus joined the ALA more than nine years ago to honor the service of her grandfather, U.S. Air Force veteran Robert Rydell, and other family members. Recently, she found extra free time and decided to use that time to give back to veterans in Georgia by joining the Honor Guard.

What motivated you to join the Honor Guard?
The motivation to join was simple. Our Honor Guard had several Legionnaires who had to step down for health reasons. It was sometimes difficult for them to have enough volunteers to shoot, fold, and call the bugle. The Sons were asked to pitch in, and my husband joined. So, I then asked the director, Jack Pierce, if I might be able to join as well. After a training session, I was in. My marching band and hunter safety courses paid off.

What does being a member of the Honor Guard mean to you?
For me, the Honor Guard is an incredible way to say “Thank you” — “Thank you for all you did for our country.” I also feel it gives families incredible closure for their loved one. It is a very powerful and emotional ceremony our veterans deserve. 

What is your favorite thing about being part of the Honor Guard? 
Our team! I have become very close with them. They accepted my skills and let me help; and for that, I am honored. 

Any advice for other ALA members interested in joining an Honor Guard? 
Reach out to your group and ask if they need help. You won’t know until you try. My family has always encouraged me to never be afraid to try new things. This endeavor is one I am so glad I sought out! 

ALA Mission

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.

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