The business side of our 2024 National Convention

Posted On: Monday, 15 July 2024

Download Proposed Amendments to the National Constitution, Bylaws & Standing Rules

The American Legion Auxiliary National Convention is just around the corner! With all the fun, it can be easy to forget — at its core — that National Convention is a business meeting. Representatives (delegates) of all 52 ALA departments join together and vote on the business of the organization.
You will see an increase in delegates at this year’s convention. Remember: The 2024 National Convention delegate strength will be calculated using the new formula voted on by the 2023 National Convention delegates. Every department is entitled to seven delegates and one additional delegate for each 1,200 members or major fraction thereof (Standing Rules, II National Convention, #2).  
Delegates don’t have to be present to vote! Alternates can fill vacancies, and delegates without an alternate may still vote with the majority of delegates present from the delegate’s department (Constitution, Article VI National Convention, Section 7).
Before these delegates can vote on business, we’ll need a quorum. The National Constitution defines a quorum as 60% of the departments represented having paid their National Convention registration fees. Don’t forget: Departments can only pay their registration fees by paying for all of their delegates, regardless of how many delegates can physically attend National Convention.
Here are some of the amendments delegates will be voting on:

Proposed Amendment #1
Submitted by: Department of Minnesota
Amendment to: National Constitution, Article VI, new section 7 (current section 7, 8, 9 will be re-numbered to 8, 9, 10).
Proposal: To make national chairs delegates-at-large to the National Convention. If adopted, it would go into effect for the 2025 National Convention.
Authority: National Constitution, Article VI, Amendments: The constitution may be amended at National Convention by a two-thirds vote of the National Convention delegates (provided proposal is submitted by July 22, 2024). 

Proposed Amendment #2
Submitted by: American Legion Auxiliary Foundation
Amendment to: National Standing Rules, Article VII COMMITTEES, Special Purpose Committees, Ethical Conduct
Proposal: ALA national leadership is held to the Code of Ethical Conduct. The Ethical Conduct Committee exists to review allegations of code violations by ALA national leadership. The ALA Foundation seeks to broaden the committee’s purpose to include reviewing allegations of code violations by directors of ALA subsidiary organizations. The ALA Foundation is a subsidiary organization, so essentially this proposal seeks to hold the ALA Foundation directors accountable to the code and open to the Ethical Conduct Committee reviewing any allegations of code violations made against ALA Foundation directors and any other ALA subsidiary directors. 
Authority: National Bylaws, Article VI, Section 3: The composition, terms, and purpose of the national standing committees and national committees shall be as provided in the Standing Rules. Amendments to the composition, terms, or purpose of such national committees may be determined only by a two-thirds vote of the National Convention delegates.

Proposed Amendment #3
Submitted by: ALA Foundation
Amendment to: Standing Rules, Article VII COMMITTEES, Core Committees, Risk & Compliance
Proposal: The ALA Foundation seeks to amend the committee’s purpose by broadening the committee’s responsibilities. Currently, the national Risk & Compliance Committee has responsibility only to the ALA. The ALA Foundation’s proposal would extend the Risk & Compliance Committee’s responsibilities to ALA subsidiary organizations, which would include the ALA Foundation. For example, Risk & Compliance Committee is currently responsible for reviewing and approving financial audits and IRS forms for the ALA. With this amendment, the Risk & Compliance Committee would also be responsible for reviewing and approving financial audits and IRS forms for the ALA Foundation and any other future subsidiaries.  
The advanced submission deadline, according to the national Bylaws, is the first Monday after the third Friday in July. For 2024, that’s July 22. Proposed amendments can be submitted to the national secretary via email: And don’t forget: You can always propose amendments after the deadline. You can even do it from the National Convention floor — it just means your amendment will need to be read at one meeting of the session of National Convention prior to taking the vote.

Download Proposed Amendments to the National Constitution, Bylaws & Standing Rules

ALA Mission

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.