Introducing the New ALA Foundation Board Members

Posted On: Tuesday, 04 September 2018

This year, we say goodbye and thank you to American Legion Auxiliary Foundation board members Anne Hathaway, Gina Callicotte, Marta Hedding, and Diane Duscheck. But as one chapter ends, another one begins.

With a new administrative year underway, some new faces are bringing their knowledge and experience to the table. The board’s primary responsibility is to raise funds that will be used to support and expand the programs of the American Legion Auxiliary. We welcome Dr. Coral May Grout, Laura Santino, Nicole Clapp, and Sara Riegel to their new positions on the board.

Dr. Coral May Grout
Dr. Coral May Grout

A lifelong member of the Auxiliary, Dr. Coral May Grout of Winchendon, Mass., joined through the service of her father, Charles E. Grout, a World War II veteran. Throughout her professional career, she has dedicated her talents and leadership skills to the education sector. Grout currently serves as a consultant to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and has held roles as a superintendent, assistant superintendent, assistant principal, and teacher. She also brings along more than two decades of nonprofit board service. Grout has occupied several leadership roles within the American Legion Auxiliary, including Department of Massachusetts chaplain, 1991-1992 president of the Department of Massachusetts, and national historian.

Laura Santino
Laura Santino

Laura Santino of Hamden, Conn., has been an active member of the Auxiliary for the past 30 years. Santino is employed as a paralegal and executive administrative manager for the law and compliance department at the Phoenix Companies, Inc., a financial services company. Along with her immense knowledge of law and regulations, she brings along nearly two decades of nonprofit board service to the ALA Foundation board. Since joining the Auxiliary, Santino has held many leadership roles, including 2017-2018 president of the Department of Connecticut.

Nicole Clapp
Nicole Clapp

Serving as the ALA’s 2018-2019 vice president, Nicole Clapp is a member of Iowa Unit 127 through the service of her grandfather. Raised on a farm, Clapp graduated with a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in nursing administration from the University of Iowa in 1993 and 1996. She’s board-certified in healthcare management and a fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives. Clapp volunteers with the Lions Club, PEO, Peace UCC, and the ALA. She has served in several unit-, district-, and department-level positions, including honorary national Junior president 1987-1988, national Finance Chairman five of her seven years on the committee, Children & Youth Chairman, Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Chairman, Human Resources Committee member, Finance Committee liaison to Audit Committee, Finance Committee liaison to the ALA Foundation, Future Focus Committee member, and ALA Centennial Strategic Plan Committee member.

Sara Riegel
Sara Riegel

Sara Riegel, of Indianapolis, Ind., joined Indiana’s eUnit 438, through the service of her grandfather. Riegel serves on the board by virtue of her title as the ALA’s national treasurer. She joined ALA National Headquarters in 2011 as a compliance accountant. Riegel has a diverse background in nonprofit and for-profit entities, and small-business ownership. She has served on school commissions and neighborhood development organizations. Riegel is thankful for the guidance of her parents in setting the example of giving of one’s time and talent in service to their church and community, and has passed the same character-building values on to her four children.

Please join us in welcoming our new board members as they work to ensure our mission of service endures! To learn more about the American Legion Auxiliary Foundation, visit

ALA Mission

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.