Why you should join the American Legion Auxiliary

Posted On: Thursday, 13 July 2017
American Legion Auxiliary

ALA MembersAmerican Legion Auxiliary membership is meaningful. If you are a veteran or are related to a veteran, the best way to have an impact is to join. Even if you think, I don’t have the time, your membership and involvement really does make a difference. How?

  • Membership dues. If you believe in advocating for our veterans and you don’t have time to volunteer, joining the ALA ensures that there is a unified, comprehensive voice advocating for our veterans. Your membership dues support all of the ALA programs (i.e. Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, Poppy, Americanism, Children & Youth).
  • Transition to civilian life. If you’re a servicemember and you’re getting ready to transition back to civilian life, the American Legion Family does a tremendous job of helping you find work. We know what is going on in our communities and are here to help make the transition as smooth as possible.
  • Military family support. If you’re a military family, having someone serve is trying, particularly if your servicemember is deployed. ALA members do so much to help military families, from something simple like working with the American Legion to take care of your lawn, to providing a program for your kids at the local unit or post, if you need some time away. Contact the ALA in your state to find a unit near you.
  • The American Legion Service Officers program. A challenge veterans face is the paperwork for VA benefits. As an ALA member your dues support this service where case managers and care advocates help veterans go through the process to receive their benefits. To locate a service officers program near you click here.

If you are interested in volunteering, contact an ALA unit to learn about ALA service projects going on in your neighborhood. Volunteering as one person for a project is rewarding. But volunteering with a group for a community project heightens the fun and enhances the meaning of being involved in something that makes a significant difference in your community.

Our outreach programs have made a difference in neighborhoods across the country for nearly a century. And added together, our volunteer service impact in just one year is nearly $2 billion. That is a big footprint in serving our veterans and military families.

If you’re eligible to join the American Legion Auxiliary, we welcome you to do so. Click here for more information.

ALA Mission

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.